“When we die, no one will discuss how much money we have or success we’ve experienced; the only residual will be the level of impact made in the lives of others.”
-Deborah M. Jackson
Who Are We?
HC3D, Inc., is a 501c3 organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for family caregivers, and expanding Dementia-related education throughout communities.
Deborah M. Jackson, founder and full-time care partner to her mother Mercedes, never imagined her life intersecting with caregiving or Alzheimer’s but it did.
Her transforming journey as a caregiver became the driving force from which HC3D was born. Understanding the multi-faceted and often overlooked emotional, spiritual, mental and socio-economic has been her motivation to continue creating, building and advocating for quality, relevant, and substantive resources needed by caregivers all over this country. Even in the middle of a global pandemic we watch the lack of prioritization of family caregivers at both a state and federal level.
When adding Alzheimer’s and related Dementia diseases to the mix, the caregiving story continues to need heightened awareness and National attention.
Through research and experience, Deborah identified two critical gaps related to caregiving and Alzheimer’s.
- According to the Caregiving Alliance, there are 65.7 million caregivers in the United States, and less than .1% of them are receiving spiritual and emotional support through their local church (if at all).
- While research, science, clinical studies, and interventions for Alzheimer’s are of top priority, one of the greatest gaps is the need for education, support and care initiatives consistently reaching communities.
The goal of HC3D is to help caregivers – mind, body and soul and equip communities and their leaders on how Dementia-related diseases, and caregiving burdens are secretly affecting the health and wellbeing of communities. Through assessments, support resources, education, and training HC3D is working to improve the quality of caregiver’s lives and in turn strengthen the wellbeing of communities.

Founder – Deborah M. Jackson, MDiv
Caregiver | Award-Winning Speaker | Author | Educator
Deborah, a returning native of New Orleans is Minister, award-winning Speaker, author, and Caregiver. She holds a BS in Business, a Master of Divinity from Regent University School of Divinity in Spiritual Formation and Pastoral Ministry and Church Leadership and ongoing student in areas of Mental Health Counseling and Psychology. Deborah is founder of HC3D, Inc. and Heart to Soul Ministries, Inc. comes equipped with over twenty years business experience from the surgical/medical industry with expertise in Professional Development and training. Her skills cross areas of all surgical specialities and numerous pharmacological specialties. In addition Deborah spent twenty years in a successful competitive tennis career which began at age six. She was the first black woman during her time to play number one tennis, division one/two in the United States.
Our Board & Advisory Council
HC3D Team
- Hannah Kaufman, Program Manager
- Jacob Gruber, Tulane University Intern
HC3D Board of Directors:
- Deborah M. Jackson, Founder/Executive Director
- Leonard Lewis III, Executive Board Director (Finance)
- Tiara Durham, Board of Director (Marketing)
- Vikki Sims, Executive Board of Director (Counseling)
HC3D Advisors
- Laura Seplavy, Bristol Meyers Squib Cardiovascular
- Cory Sparks, Ph.D., Pastor
- Jeffery Keller, Ph.D., Research Scientist LSU Pennington Biomedical Research Institute for Alzheimer’s
- Norman Francis, Ph.D., President Emeritus Xavier University of Louisiana
Through research and experience,
critical gaps related to caregiving and Alzheimer’s became evident.
Did You Know?
By 2050,
11 Million more people could be on this caregiving journey. While Alzheimer’s research is vital, the need for education, support and community care initiatives is grossly under-addressed.
Theology Today notes that there are 53 million caregivers in the United States today; less than .10 percent are receiving any spiritual and emotional support through their local church. Clinical, spiritual, emotional and financial needs are not being adequately addressed.
According to the National Center on Caregiving, an estimated 44 million Americans age 18 and older provide unpaid assistance and support to older people and adults with disabilities.
The value of unpaid caregiving labor is estimated at $306 billion annually, nearly double the combined costs of home health care ($43 billion) and nursing home care ($115 billion) according to research by the National Center on Caregiving.